The impact of psoriasis
is bigger than what
meets the eye

Psoriasis’ severity is associated with patients’ physical and mental health impairment.[1] Conversely, the non-physical impact of psoriasis can also contribute to its severity.[2] Psoriasis can negatively affect patients' well-being and can be devastating for their self-confidence and life goals.[3][4]

  • Patients with psoriasis have >50% greater risk for depression.
  • More than 37% may have experienced suicidal thoughts.

  • Depression may result from having a chronic skin condition or be a trigger for psoriasis. Depression and psoriasis can also coexist without a cause-consequence relationship.

  • Patients with psoriasis have a more than x2 greater risk for anxiety vs the general population.
  • 99.3% of them feel embarrassed or self-conscious because of their condition.

  • Psoriasis may lead to anxiety because of chronic itch and stigmatisation. Conversely, anxiety may exacerbate psoriasis via an upregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

  • Over 50% of people with psoriasis struggle to sleep.
  • Psoriatic arthritis seems to be the most significant predictor for sleep disorders, as well as pruritus, pain, and psoriasis-related low self-esteem.

  • Sleep disorders may also be secondary to depression.

Psoriasis is complex and associated with varied comorbidities.[8]

Most people with psoriasis are at increased risk for comorbidities such as psoriatic arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, or cardiovascular disease.[8][9][10]

Psoriasis rarely appears on its own

What are the main comorbidities associated with psoriasis?

Discover more

Identify psoriasis

Every type of psoriasis is different.

Manage psoriasis

Different treatments address different needs.

CP-338649 - November 2022